Bez Hermoso, Software Engineer @ Square
I just wrote my very first zsh
plugin this week, and it has proven to be quite useful – I like to wrap identifiers/symbols in commit messages with backticks and often-times neglect to escape them. This would result in the identifier/symbol being evaluated, which is not what I want to happen.
Here is my solution:
# Expands `` to \`
function expand-double-backtick-to-escaped-backtick {
if [[ $LBUFFER = *[^\\]\` ]]; then
zle backward-delete-char
# Bind backspace to something that undos the escape.
bindkey '^?' undo-escaped-backtick-or-backward-delete-char
function undo-escaped-backtick-or-backward-delete-char {
if [[ $LBUFFER = *\` ]]; then
# If chars to the left is an escaped backtick, unescape it.
zle backward-delete-char
zle backward-delete-char
# Rebind backspace to default behavior
bindkey '^?' backward-delete-char
zle -N expand-double-backtick-to-escaped-backtick
zle -N undo-escaped-backtick-or-backward-delete-char
bindkey "\`" expand-double-backtick-to-escaped-backtick
Now when I need an escaped backtick, I only have to type the backtick character twice. Also, hitting Backspace
will undo the escaping instead of leaving me with just a backslash.
I have put this script in a Git repo which you can find here: https://github.com/bezhermoso/zsh-escape-backtick. If you want to try it, just clone it and source escape-backtick.zsh
and you should be good to go.