
Bez Hermoso, Software Engineer @ Square

vim-gnupg provides transparent PGP encryption/decryption when editing *.gpg et al files with vim. Sadly, if you are using a TTY-based pinentry your GNUPG setup like pinentry-curses, it won’t work (with no fault from the plugin author).

The trick to get it to work is to somehow tell the gpg-agent to use an external pinentry program when triggered by vim-gnupg. For this, the pinentry-mac program fits the bill:

$ brew install pinentry-mac

Configure gpg-agent to use it as the pinentry program:

# ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf:
pinentry-program /usr/local/bin/pinentry-mac

Configure your shell to use the TTY-based pinentry in most circumstances:

# ~/.bashrc ~/.zshrc, etc. :

# Tell the pinentry program to use the nice, full-screen pinentry program:

Restart your terminal application (or source your config file), then restart the gpg-agent:

$ gpgconf --kill gpg-agent

Now it’s just a matter of configuring vim-gnupg to override the PINENTRY_USER_DATA so that PGP prompts will use the GUI pinentry:

let g:GPGExecutable = "PINENTRY_USER_DATA='' gpg --trust-model always"

Now, whenever you edit/write PGP encrypted files in Neovim, the GUI pinentry will be used and vim-gnupg should start working as expected.

GUI pinentry from pinentry-mac

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