
Bez Hermoso, Software Engineer @ Square

If you need a single @Effect stream to have multiple side-effects i.e. dispatch more than one action, you can use Rx.Observable.of in conjunection with mergeMap:

import { Oservable } from 'rxjs/Observable';

class Effects {

   @Effect() loadList$ = this.actions$
      .map(action => action.payload)
      .switchMap(id => { 
         return this.service.list(id)
            .map(res => res.json())
            .mergeMap(list => this.actions.setList(list))
            .mergeMap(action => {
               // Here we return an Observable that produces two actions, one after the other:
               return Observable.of(action, this.actions.secondAction());
            .catch(err => this.errorActions.createWith(err))

Note to self: concat seem to be the more obvious choice, but the concat operator is not available for reasons I don’t know.

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